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Questions You Should Ask Before You Accept A Job Offer

Questions You Should Ask Before You Accept a Job Offer Today we are going to talk about questions you should be asking before you accept a job offer. You might be thinking questions? What type of questions? It’s important to fully understand and grasp the new role and...

Why Companies Should Partner with Staffing Agencies

Today we are going to talk about why companies should partner with a staffing agency! Picture this- you have a new business plan in place which includes growth whether it be gradual growth over time or substantial growth in a short period of time. You’re busy managing...

How to Properly Book Vacation Time

  Today we are going to talk about how to properly book time off work! We all have those vacation days we can use, but let’s be honest sometimes it’s hard to ask for time off even if we are entitled to those days. Your boss can’t say no to time off, but they can...

How to Create the Perfect Cover Letter

Today we are going to talk about creating the perfect cover letter! Why do you need a cover letter? This is a frequently asked question because it contains the same information as your resume, so why use both? A cover letter is important and useful because it gives...

How to Get Fit Right from Your Desk

Today we are going to talk about How to Get Fit Right from Your Desk! Normally, people think office jobs are great because you get to sit all day- wrong! Sitting all day for 40+ hours a week is actually not as good as you think. It puts your body at risk for many...

How to Properly Quit Your Job

  Today we’re going to talk about how to quit with class. Sometimes we do not give proper notice due to how certain circumstances work out, and sometimes we do not give notice at all- not a good idea! Here is a list of things to remember when you are preparing to...

How to Build and Maintain Positive Work Relationships

Today we are going to talk about how to build and keep positive work relationships. It is important to find ways to get along with your coworkers, and build healthy relationships in the workplace. When you have positive relationships at work, it has a positive impact...

The Best Ways To Find Work-Life Balance

Today, we are talking about how to keep a healthy work life balance. Sometimes it’s hard for people to leave their work at work and their personal life at home. The two often overlap and create a stressful situation. So what’s the best way to keep the two separate? As...

The Best Ways To Explain An Employment Gap

  Today we are talking about how to properly explain a career gap. We’ve all been in that position where we have experienced a gap of unemployment, whether it was because of unexpected personal issues or even just voluntarily leaving if you weren’t 100%...