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Establishing a Robust Online Presence: Thriving in the Digital Age

In today’s digital age, securing a job often hinges on more than just a well-crafted resume and a stellar interview performance. Employers increasingly look to candidates with a robust online presence that demonstrates their skills, professionalism, and industry...

Mastering the Art of Follow-Ups: How to Elevate Your Game

In the fast-paced world of recruitment and employment, mastering the art of follow-ups can be the key differentiator between landing your dream job or losing out to the competition. Whether you’re a candidate hoping to stand out or a recruiter aiming to build...

5 Tips To Update Your Resume For A Career Transition

A career transition can feel like stepping into the unknown. Yet, career pivots have become more common — especially following the pandemic. The growing interest in exploring new career paths is primarily the result of more people reevaluating their values and...
5 Tips to Gain Professional Experience

5 Tips to Gain Professional Experience

You’re looking for a job to gain professional experience, but it seems even entry level jobs are asking for years of experience to get started.  It’s a cycle of a job searching conundrum.  Has your job search left you feeling irritated and unseen? We hear your...
Interview Questions That Instantly Reveal Leadership Potential

Interview Questions That Instantly Reveal Leadership Potential

Finding the right talent is imperative to taking your business to the next level, but this can be tricky. Looking for leadership potential in applicants is a vital step to help to ensure their quality of work. In order to find the traits we want from candidates, we...
Video Interview Tips

Video Interview Tips

Nowadays, interviews are not always done in person! If a candidate is from out of town, or the company does not have a proper interview room, they may request that the interview is done over video. Many people have never done a video interview before so here are some...

How To Land Your Dream Job Fast

ASK THE RECRUITER! Today we’ll be discussing different ways to GET HIRED FASTER!   Seeking out a career and getting hired can be tiring, leaving people less optimistic when looking for a new job. The whole process can sometimes take up to a month long! Here are some...

Why You Should Not Ghost Your Employer

  ASK THE RECRUITER! Today we’ll be talking about why you should NOT ghost your employers! I’m sure you’ve heard of the term “Ghosting” before. For those who haven’t, this is the practice of withdrawing from all communication with someone or ending a personal...